Monday, October 19, 2020

Goodbye (kind of)

 Hey Jammers,

I'll get straight to the point today: I got hacked two weeks ago. They left me with 50 den items and 30 clothing (but left all my den betas???), and I can only assume it was recycled because I have about 900,000 more gems than I did previously.  I went back through my login history and determined the date of the hack, but there's no way for me to know who did it. Or to get my stuff back. I wasn't particularly rare by any means, but I lost a lot of collections I had worked for a long time on, such as my very first clothing items in the game, all of my Journey Book items, all of my art except for one, all of the birthday cakes and birthstones, and all of my nature/plant items. Just about everything, most of which I won't be able to get back ever.  Naturally, the game I don't care at all about, Play Wild, was left untouched.

I'm not quitting, because the game means a lot to me. But I doubt I'll play very often, and I probably will not continue this blog. I might post occasionally, but I just... don't really have the motivation to keep blogging. Thank you to the few readers I have for sticking with me. 

I don't understand why people hack. Like, enjoy your pixels, I guess, knowing you likely just made someone very upset. At least it was me and not some poor eight-year old who would've been inconsolable. I am very upset by this, but not nearly as much as I would have been, say, two years ago.  

Again, I am not quitting. But I'm not really sure if I can ever truly get back into the game - most of my old game friends have moved on and no longer play, and the one I'm still in touch with had their account deleted, so we talk on other platforms. And with less and less content, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be playing. Animal Jam has always been a big part of my life, and I'll always love it and remember it fondly, but it's not as important to me as it used to be. I've been playing for seven years now. It may be time to move on. Not yet, of course, but soon, maybe. Perhaps I'll keep posting, but likely not. I might write a formal goodbye post later, but why not leave it open-ended?

Thank you.             
