Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 Hey all. It's been awhile since I last posted, I'm sorry. Happy new year, I suppose, although 2021 isn't looking all too great so far if you live in the US. I'm gonna get straight to the point here - I'm locked out of my Animal Jam account. I can still get into the parent account, but the password to my actual game account was changed (I believe by AJHQ, since there have been no abnormal logins), and when I try to change it again, it gives me an error message. I sent them a ticket from my email account (different from the one connected to the game account), and they wouldn't answer my claim unless my email matched the one on the account. However, I no longer have the one on the account; it was originally my mom's and she has since moved on to a different email address. Long story short, it's incredibly doubtful that I'll be able to access my Animal Jam account again. Now, I do have an alt account which I transferred the few items I had left after I got hacked but never transferred them back, but honestly, I'm not really sure I have a reason to come back. The new account has none of my old friends connected to it, nor does it have all that many items, plus I lost my membership, dens, animals, etc. In short, I lost more than I did when I was originally hacked. I'm super disappointed in AJ's help service, and I was slowly growing past the game regardless. Unfortunately, I highly doubt I'm gonna continue this blog. I will still read others' blogs, but this one will likely not live all that much longer. There's a chance I might start writing entirely about, but I doubt it. I may still check in every so often, however. I hope I can get my account back, but I'm not all that optimistic.

Thanks to those who bothered reading, and I hope everyone has a good 2021.



  1. I-
    I don't know what to say...
    AJHQ's service is terrible as far as I know. They have already lost players who play on chromebook (including me), lost players because of the breach, and so many other problems, and now they ignore someone who got locked out of their account. is nice, and I'm starting to see more about it, but I don't want this Animal Jam related blog to turn into a blog, because it was meant for Animal Jam.
    I guess the only thing we can do is hope that things get better.
    In my school, there is a 'Positivity Trait' that the school gets each year, and this one is about Hope/Optimism. But this really wasn't the best week to get locked out of your AJ Account...
    Let's look at the positive side: 2021 HAS to be better than 2020. There's no way 2021 is worse than 2020, right?
    I've gotten scammed before. I've gotten banned for 24 hours. But never have I seen a friend that has gotten locked out of there account and being ignored by AJHQ. Maybe go into The Daily Explorer and ask them? Multiple times if they don't respond. It might work, and they might tell you why or give you help?
    Let's just hope that things get better... ...because it really doesn't look like it...

    P.S. I was hoping to tell you earlier but I had class and my teacher flipped on Go Guardian (a thing that can tell which sites you are on).
    P.P.S. Sorry if the comment is long ;-;

    1. Hey, sorry for the super late response. I appreciate your support, and I’d make this longer but I’m about to make a post explaining more. Hope you’re doing well, and hope this year goes better for you too :-)


  2. I'm so sorry about this... I really hope you get your account back, but I understand if it's hard to find the motivation to try when AJHQ isn't being very helpful

    I know it's most likely a completely different situation, but I remember I would get an error message trying to change the password on my account when I would temporarily lock it. I don't know if this helps at all, I just thought I'd mention

    And I know you've probably tried this a lot already, but is there any way to find out the password to your mom's old email? Might it be the same password she uses now, or was it ever written down or saved anywhere..? I know this is probably a very difficult endeavor-- I've been locked out of a couple of email addresses before because I couldn't figure out the passwords, and it can be almost impossible.

    I hope this situation resolves, but regardless of how this turns out I just hope your 2021 is a good year, and that this month gets better for you as it goes on >.<

    1. Sorry for the super-late response, but I greatly appreciate the support! Unfortunately, I’m probably not going to be able to get back into my account (I’ll explain more in the next post), but I hope you’re doing well! I still read your blog even if I’m incredibly inactive now, you were and still are a huge inspiration to me :-)

  3. Oh my-
    This is insane. I do agree, WildWorks and AJHQ have really gotten lazier with their customer service, game updates, and help centers recently.

    I mean, it started with the breach which then led onto the Chromebook thing. It's becoming a more noticeable pattern with the way WildWorks is treating AJC, purposefully or just a careless an accident. Obviously, the data breach wasn't there fault so I'm not trying to pin them on that. But I feel like they could do more to try and make AJC more fun and eye-popping (I just came up with that, eesh.) It's definitely not what it was, and that's a big part of the reason it's "dying".

    And I can totally see where your loss of motivation is coming from. Their lack of updates and help can get really frustrating, and honestly I feel like a lot of bloggers (or it could be just me) are finding it hard to find a topic or new thing to post about.

    Anyways, your blog was such a nice resource and place to sit down and enjoy a full post about Animal Jam!! I loved this blog for the short while I knew it and although you may not post again, it will still become such a great inspiration for future AJ bloggers!

    Thank you so much for making this blog, Amhdolphin! I hope 2021 treats us ALL better than 2020 did.

    ~popcorn :)

    1. Agh, sorry for responding so late! But yeah, you have a good point for… pretty much all of that, to be honest. I’m glad you enjoyed my blog, and I hope you’re doing well :-)


  4. Hi Amphdolphin!

    I'm a new commenter here. I came here by Popcornpizza25's link to your blog. I hope you get your account back!!! Even if you do write entirely about, i'll keep visiting your blog.


    1. Ayyy, a new reader! Nice to meet you - sorry for the late response, but thank you for the kind words! :-)


  5. My comment accidentally got deleted oops, I didn't remember what I typed so I'll try my best to recreate it.
    Anyway, hello. I'm a bit late but I had a similar issue too so I might be able to help offer insight:

    - File a ticket. Do not send them an email.
    - Detail that due to the password reset AJHQ did, you need to change your password but is unable to. Make it very clear you no longer have access to your older email.
    - Provide them a new email and ask if they can transfer you account from the old email to the new (via parents dashboard).

    Not sure if you'll see this, but I hope this might be of help.

    1. Sorry for the late response!

      I appreciate the help - unfortunately, I tried this pretty much exactly but they ignored my email requesting the dashboard email change, so I’m kind of at a dead end. I might try again, but it’s not looking likely. Thanks anyway! I still pop into your blog fairly frequently, even if I don’t really play anymore - you’ve been and still are a big inspiration to me :-)


  6. Hello, Amhdolphin.
    I just wanted to let you know that I have finally gotten myself my own blog. Thanks to you and all the other bloggers, I have gotten inspired and made my own blog. I am still pretty sad about what happened to you, and Idk if you will see this comment. Thank you for inspiring me <3


    1. Hey Dogo!!
      I’m so sorry for the late response, but I’m really glad you made your own blog - I’ll plug it in my next post for you :-) I still check up on a couple AJ blogs despite my inactivity, and I’ll definitely give your a read through!

