Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Item stuff

Hey Jammers!

I’m back! Finally! I’m going to try to post more often, the last few days have just been kind of crazy (homework, anyone?).

Anyway, today I’m going to talk about a bunch of items. I’m planning a post soon (maybe this weekend, depending on the weather) about exploring a land and noticing little details, so that should be fun. Idea for the exploration post from Difficult (the blogger). Off we go!

First, let’s start with an item I think is just overall neat: the uncreatively named Flower In Vase.

I really like this item, probably because it’s so simple. I feel like this item looks older than it is (2015)

Now, talking about the new item sets: the beach and carnival items, such as the pet beach lighthouse, deserted island, and carnival game thing.  I really like these items, I feel like they’re really cool and good for decorating dens.

Okay. I didn’t have as much time as I thought I had haha, and I’m running out of things to say in this post for now. This was sort of a filler post to tide you guys over until I can get a bigger post done.

On a side note, does anyone know how to change the time zone for the blog? It says I’m posting at 3:50 a.m. but... I’m not... it’s not crucial this change or anything, it’s just annoying.. so if anyone knows, could they please comment?

Ok, see you guys later!


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Coolest AJ Clothing Items

Hey Jammers!

Turns out I can post on weekends! Yay! Today’s post is about the coolest clothing items (in my opinion) in AJ, in no particular order. Here we go...

1. Stone sword

First, we have the stone sword. It may not look like much, but this item is an adventurer’s best friend. Some items enhance damage dealt to items by clicking on them, and (I believe) the stone sword gives the most. It gives 45 damage instead of the 10 you’d do without it.

2. Wind Armor (item, not set)

I’ve always loved this item and the set it was in. I remember this was my second armor set (Phoenix armor was my first). I just love the way the leaves blow in the breeze and the way the scarf thing looks like wings. I really like the set, but this piece is my favorite.

3. Rare Leg Armor

I think this item looks really cool. In reality, I like the nonrare version just as much, I’m just partial to the rare version because it was my first RIM. I love this item for some reason, it’s one of my favorite RIMs. Maybe because it doesn’t look like someone picked the colors blindfolded like most RIMs.

4. bLaCk LoNg!!!!1!!1!

hahaha no

That’s it for today, Jammers! I think I’m only going to do one post on the weekend and try to do one every weekday.


Friday, May 24, 2019

Why I love Graham’s Workshop

Hey Jammers!

Quick post today, and I will highly likely not be able to post again until Monday evening at the earliest.

Anyway, we’re talking about Graham’s Workshop today!

Graham’s Workshop is likely my favorite seasonal “adventure” for many reasons. First of all, it’s fun. It’s fun to go around the place collecting stuff (especially stone). It’s also less stressful than other adventures, because you set your own end goal. In maze adventures like Twists and Turns and the Jamaaliday one which I am blanking on the name of, your goal is to get to the center of the maze while getting as many other prizes as you can along the way. In collect-stuff adventures such as Bitter Sweets and Lucky Clovers, your goal is to get as many clovers/candies as possible. In Graham’s Workshop, you decide which item you want to work towards, which also means to get to decide the materials you’re collecting, If you wanted a stone archway, you would collect different materials than if you wanted, say, a straw lamp. Finally, it’s really satisfying to finally buy an item that you “created,” in a way. You’d be happier buying something from Graham’s Workshop than buying another item from Jam Mart Clothing. If somebody traded you an item from Graham’s Workshop, you’d be less satisfied than if you bought it yourself with the materials you collected.

In the end, I love Graham’s Workshop. I remember playing it for 2+ hours when it first came out. Of course, I can’t play for that long anymore, because of homework and having better things to do that sit on the couch for 2 hours, but I play for littler bits every so often, but I still love Graham’s Workshop.

Ok, that’s it for today! There’s a very slim chance I’ll be able to post this weekend, but otherwise I’ll be back Monday night/Tuesday morning.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Aaaand no post today either (probably)

Hey Jammers!

Just letting you know that there will likely be no post today. There may be one in the afternoon, I don’t know.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Quick notice

Hey Jammers!

Just letting you all know that there is no post today. :) There should be a post tomorrow as usual.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Coolest AJ Den Items

Hey Jammers!

Today’s post is about (in my opinion) the coolest AJ den
items. For the first time, you get pictures on the blog! Depending on how this goes, I might do more posts with pictures. I wish it was easier to do, but  I can only use a tablet for the blog, so...

Ok, let’s start! These are in no particular order.

1. Phantomizer

It turns you into a phantom. Need I say more?

2. Wall Calendar

I’ve always liked/wanted this item because I always forget the date and have to go look it up/look at a calendar. So if I was decorating my den or something, I could just look at the calendar.

3. Epic Seasonal Tree

I love how many variations this item has. I mean, candy tree??? Also, I love how some variations have a light and a dark for night and day.

4. Birthstone collection

Image from the Animal Jam Wisp

I love these items for several reasons. One is that I’ve been collecting these since a year after I joined, so they have nostalgic value (I finally got the last one I needed, April, last year), and the other is that it’s just cool that they have a yearly collection like this and a stand for it, with every birthstone in its own spot.

Ok, that’s it for today. I might do a “Coolest AJ Clothing Items” in the future!


Monday, May 20, 2019

I’m back, and so are decent updates (hopefully)!

Hey Jammers!

Sorry about that longer-than-expected hiatus. Turns out I won’t be able to post on most weekends in the summer, but I will be able to on most weekdays.

Anyway, on to the more important topic of the post: the update! Let’s review, even though it’s a bit late...

First off, we have fennec foxes. I have to say, I’m rather disappointed. They look nothing like real fennec foxes, and as DoomyPanda said on the Animal Jam Stream, they just look like an edit of the arctic fox. My least favorite part is the floppy ears. They’re cute-ish, but I’d rank them among the lowest for Animal Jam animal designs.

Second, we have the returning Summer Carnival! I wonder if they’ll add more cotton candy shapes like they did last year?

After this, we have pet fennec foxes! I actually think these guys are pretty cute <3

On the next page, we have the returning Spring Cottage! It’s a really pretty den overall, so be sure to pick one up before they leave if you don’t have one already.

Now we have the return of Graham’s Workshop! Personally, this and Battle for the Beacon are some of my favorite seasonal adventures, although I quite like Twists and Turns too. Be sure to go check it out before it leaves in a few weeks!

Next, we have a double page: new “spring armor” that looks okay except for the headpiece and the membership bundle items being released.

Finally, we have a new Animals of Africa exhibit that I’ll have to check out. It sounds really interesting. The exhibit is sharing a page with an ad for carnival items.

Overall, this was a pretty good update compared to the ones we’ve been having recently. Of course, before the updates started getting bad, it would’ve been pretty average, but, like I said, it’s pretty good next to recent ones.

Hopefully the update quality will just keep climbing.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Jamaa Challenges #1: Store Hopping

Hey Jammers!

As promised, here is a complaint-free post. I’m thinking of doing a series of challenges like this one that take you around Jamaa.

Oftentimes, when you go to stores in Jamaa, you just look at the first page, and even then only in stores such as Jam Mart Clothing/Furniture and the Diamond Shop. In this challenge, you will go to every store in Jamaa (not counting the hidden item in the AJHQ epic den and the Basement of Secrets is optional), and buy one item from each store (gem items only). Not just any item, but your favorite item from that store. That means you have to look closely through the store, look at every item, before deciding on your favorite and buying it. Repeat this at every store in Jamaa.

Just a recap....

-go to every store in Jamaa. Basement of Secrets is optional, while the secret shop in AJHQ’s den and the den shop in Coral Canyons are not part of it. If you have an underwater animal, do the underwater shops.
-look at each item in each store closely before buying your favorite item from that particular store.
-only one item from each store.

This challenge can be done over time if you run out of gems. If you’re short on gems/inventory by the end, look through the items you just bought and pick a favorite out of those. Recycle all of the other items you bought for the challenge but keep the favorite.

This challenge is nice because you might find items you’ve never seen before but really like!

Have fun, and comment if you did it!


Monday, May 13, 2019

The “Daily” Explorer

Hey Jammers!

Quick post before I go do homework! Don’t get used to posts twice a day though, that won’t be happening very often. I just felt like with the amount of Daily Explorer list items in the “Do You Remember When...” post, it deserved a follow-up.

Also, just a heads up, I won’t be able to post on Wednesday or Thursday, and I might on Friday.

Ok, on to the main topic of the post: the “Daily” Explorer.

Has anyone else noticed that they don’t post for a week or two, and then suddenly there are two or three new posts? And when they do post, it’s usually an advertisement for the Animal Jam Box, a sneak peek for AJPW, or a new RIM. Also, the comments are disappearing weirdly. I don’t know if that’s just my device or it’s happening to everyone, but it’s happening. There’s also a lot less educational stuff and a lot more filler advertisements. What happened to AJ Academy and those cool animal features? That about wraps it up for today, though.

Don’t worry, next few posts will be less of me complaining and more fun stuff. :P


Do you remember when...

Hey Jammers!

When I first got the idea of starting a blog, I knew I would have to do a post like this. I’m basically just going to post a bunch of features from when I was a new player (June 2013). In the comments, say which one is your favorite and maybe I’ll do a more in-depth post about whichever is most popular :)

I also might just start a series of posts going more in-depth with these... Who knows?

Do you remember when...

-new jammers were introduced to the game on the Blue Heron boat?
-you had to go to the Adventure Base Camp through the party menu/Lost Temple of Zios because it wasn’t in the map yet? (funny thing—I still call the Adventure Base Camp “Adventure Beta” in my head because that’s what it said on the party menu when I was a new player)
-there was no “epic jamaaliday house” or “epic haunted mansion,” just the jamaaliday/gingerbread house and epic haunted mansion?
-animals had puzzled/clues before they were released? (e.g. finding the letters to spell “goat” in the Jamal Journal, the puzzle for the deer, finding the arctic fox shape where the seal shape was in Mt. Shiveer, etc.)
-the Jamaa Journal actually looked good and not like a slab of wood?
-there was that glitch when eagles were first released when the flying-animals-only shop in Coral Canyons was accessible by normal animals by running off of the bridge?
-having a den on the epic deans list actually meant something?
-the Daily Explorer had those awesome diamond challenges and reporter things (I entered several times, but I never won :P) and if you got selected for the reporter thing you got a camera badge for your animal name tag?
-Sarepia Forest was always full to the brim with clan roleplayers? (there always seems to be less now)
-members got a diamond every Tuesday instead of 1-6 every day?
-the Daily Explorer was actually daily?
-the Daily Explorer had the awesome craft posts (was that called AJ Academy?) every so often?
-we got animals maybe once every 1-2 months instead of a retexture every 2-4 weeks?
-we had 200 or so den/clothing slots? That’s one change I’m happy with :P

And I’m going to stop there. I may do a follow-up post with more later, but this is it for now.
Comment your favorite memory below! And since I have very few commenters, that will be about 1-2 comments, but still.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

My first (actual) post!

Hey Jammers!

Welcome to the first content-related post on the AJ Breeze! Today, we’re focusing on AJ’s recent disappointments update-wise.

In the most recent update (the date of which I’m too lazy to go figure out), we got no new stuff. Just an “aNiMaL cOmInG sOoN bUy MeMbERsHiP nOw hahahaha” and a couple returning sets. Speaking of the “animal coming soon” thing, remember when AJHQ would give us puzzles to solve (the puzzle for the deer, finding the llama icon that replaced the moose in Canyons Pathway, the paw prints/claw marks for the cougar, etc.)? Those were so much fun. The little animated videos they released with every animal were cute too. I miss that :’)

Ok, back on topic. The most actual stuff (not technically rereleases) that we got since the My Shop update was a bunch of retextured animals. It was cool with the Spring Bunny when it first came out (my favorite retexture), but by the second one (was that the snowflake arctic wolf thing?) it started to get old. Another thing: AJ hasn’t released an animal for gems since December 2013. That’s right, almost 5 1/2 years ago (that animal was the deer, by the way). Also, when are we getting more adventures? It’s been more than a year since River’s Heart came out in February 2018. I personally love adventures, but you can only do the ones we have for so long. The storyline needs to be continued.

At the end of the day, AJ may not be in decline, but its updates have pretty much hit rock bottom. Hopefully that means that we’ll get a really amazing one soon, but still. Remember how everyone hated that pet pony update a couple years ago? That update was amazing compared to recent updates today. Anyway, if AJHQ is reading this (unlikely), improve your updates. Please. A lot of older players who remember your better updates will probably quit if you don’t get better soon. I won’t quit, but others will.

Okay, rant over. To end on a slightly happier note, go look up pictures of baby giant pacific octopuses <3



Hey Jammers!

Welcome to the Animal Jam Breeze! It won’t be very visually appealing, due to me being on a tablet, but hopefully it will be interesting. I can’t post pictures in posts, so I won’t be doing new items. This blog will be pretty much content only. I’ll try to post as much I can.

A bit about me first:

I’m Amhdolphin, and I’ve been playing AJ since mid-June 2013. I was inspired to create this by some retired blogs (Meloetta385’s Animal Jam Flash and snowyclaw’s Animal Jam Spirit) and some more active blogs (DoomyPanda’s Animal Jam Stream and Rainbow000Pegasus’ Ultimate Animal Jam Blog).

That’s kind of it.

I’ll post more soon.
