Sunday, May 26, 2019

Coolest AJ Clothing Items

Hey Jammers!

Turns out I can post on weekends! Yay! Today’s post is about the coolest clothing items (in my opinion) in AJ, in no particular order. Here we go...

1. Stone sword

First, we have the stone sword. It may not look like much, but this item is an adventurer’s best friend. Some items enhance damage dealt to items by clicking on them, and (I believe) the stone sword gives the most. It gives 45 damage instead of the 10 you’d do without it.

2. Wind Armor (item, not set)

I’ve always loved this item and the set it was in. I remember this was my second armor set (Phoenix armor was my first). I just love the way the leaves blow in the breeze and the way the scarf thing looks like wings. I really like the set, but this piece is my favorite.

3. Rare Leg Armor

I think this item looks really cool. In reality, I like the nonrare version just as much, I’m just partial to the rare version because it was my first RIM. I love this item for some reason, it’s one of my favorite RIMs. Maybe because it doesn’t look like someone picked the colors blindfolded like most RIMs.

4. bLaCk LoNg!!!!1!!1!

hahaha no

That’s it for today, Jammers! I think I’m only going to do one post on the weekend and try to do one every weekday.



  1. Those are some pretty cool items! Out of the ones you listed i think the gauntlet is the coolest. I can't wait to read more of your posts!

  2. My fav items in the game is the glove, Juno Armor, diamond armor, and phantom armor, spiked collars, headdresses, etc. They just work pretty well in adventures, and I'm a big adventurer (Lvl 10 is my wolf). My sister owns the Juno armor, and idk how much damage they do because one kick just ruins the entire thing. The other items are my favorite because they are nonmember and they do TONS of damage. Sadly, I am a nonmember because my membership ended. And then the other items, well, let's just say the game wouldn't be much without them ;)
    ~Dogo (Abcdefg163)

    1. Wow, I didn't know Juno armor did that much damage! I don't think I've ever used it in adventures, I'll have to try that now
