Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Item stuff

Hey Jammers!

I’m back! Finally! I’m going to try to post more often, the last few days have just been kind of crazy (homework, anyone?).

Anyway, today I’m going to talk about a bunch of items. I’m planning a post soon (maybe this weekend, depending on the weather) about exploring a land and noticing little details, so that should be fun. Idea for the exploration post from Difficult (the blogger). Off we go!

First, let’s start with an item I think is just overall neat: the uncreatively named Flower In Vase.

I really like this item, probably because it’s so simple. I feel like this item looks older than it is (2015)

Now, talking about the new item sets: the beach and carnival items, such as the pet beach lighthouse, deserted island, and carnival game thing.  I really like these items, I feel like they’re really cool and good for decorating dens.

Okay. I didn’t have as much time as I thought I had haha, and I’m running out of things to say in this post for now. This was sort of a filler post to tide you guys over until I can get a bigger post done.

On a side note, does anyone know how to change the time zone for the blog? It says I’m posting at 3:50 a.m. but... I’m not... it’s not crucial this change or anything, it’s just annoying.. so if anyone knows, could they please comment?

Ok, see you guys later!



  1. Wow the flower in the vase is already 4 years old? Oof.

    1. Now that you pointed out how old the Flower In Vase is, and how old it actually LOOKS, you can't unsee it. Like wow.
      ~Dogo (Abcdefg163)

    2. By the way, shoutout to
      They showed me this blog (:
      Shoutout to because they helped me get to the other blog. So many blogs :D
